Personnel. Hello, it's Tim here, from Finance. Hi, Tim. I've had a letter from the tax office about a student who worked here last summer. I wonder if you could look him up in your records. Sure, what's the name? The surname's Jaye. First name Stephen. How does he spell his surname? J-A-Y-E. Got that? Oh yes, here we are, lives at 183 School Road, Barnfield. Yes, that's the one. And you say he was working in Finance? Uhm, Customer Services, actually. Aah, they had lots of students working for them last summer. Well, the tax people want to know his exact job title, I'm not sure why. Mm, let me see. He was an office assistant. Right, got that. They also want to know about his monthly earnings. Let's have a look, £538.70 a month. Oh, sorry, he was a scale one, so that's £457.60. Anything else? That's fine, thanks. I'll send them the information today.