I've been thinking about what you said about the hospitality committee. I completely agree with you that the arrangements they made for the annual conference last year were most inadequate and so, like you, I think it'd be a very bad idea to repeat them. However, I also think you should be very careful how you say this to the senior management. In my opinion, it's not worth risking your career over something as minor as this. There are three flights that day, but two of them require an overnight stay at the airport and it's not company policy to fund that. So, we're left with the third one, the one that leaves at eight o'clock in the evening. If you agree, I'll ask for that one and we can travel down together. We can probably get a lot of work done on the train to the airport. I know you think the company's making a mistake in refusing to allow staff to work flexibly in this way. I realise this kind of arrangement is common now, but I can't accept that the company should employ staff on full pay and then never see them. We've always said that a full staff being here in the office punctually and regularly, is a really important part of what makes this company what it is, and I agree with that.