No matter what kind of business situation I'm in, it's always important to know exactly who the individual is I'm communicating with. The worst mistake you can make is to fail to find out what drives them, money, status or whatever. Once you've worked that out, you'll be able to ensure you communicate what's in it for them personally. This should essentially govern the way you respond to people, enabling you to stay in control of the situation and achieve the desired outcome. I've learnt some valuable management lessons over the years, not least in how to avoid the failure of a project. No matter what your positions is, you always have to be prepared for opposition. And it's important to anticipate this by getting as many colleagues as possible on your side, so that if, in discussions, someone objects to your plans, you, and a number of others, are able to give an immediate response in order to silence your opponent. When I first started running my own business, I made some dreadful mistakes in the way I handled staff. The worst thing you can do is stick to one strategy and apply it to every situation. Sometimes you just need to show them who's boss, other times some gentle persuasion is more effective, in my opinion, anyway. I'm sure I was often criticised for my management style, not that I let it bother me, though. 不管我在什么样的商业场合,搞清楚我正在沟通的人是什么样的人都是很重要的。最大的失败就是不能找出他们的动机,钱,地位或是什么。一旦你找到了,你就能够知道针对他们该谈些什么。对于你如何响应对方,就主要靠动机来掌控,动机也使你控制住形势,并最终得到想要的结果。 这些年来我获得了很多有价值的管理方面的经验教训。尤其是在如何避免项目失败方面。不管你的立场是什么,你都必须准备充足迎接对手。预先获得尽可能多的伙伴支持你的观点非常重要。这样,如果在讨论中,有人反对你的方案,你和支持你的那些人就能快速的回击,使他们无言以对。 当我刚开始经营自己事业的时候,在员工关系处理方面我犯了些严重的错误。最错的是就是死守一条策略,并将其运用到所有的情形下。有时你只需要向他们表明谁是老板。而有时一些温柔的劝告更有效。这是我的观点。我相信经常有人批评我的管理方式,但这影响不到我。