I've found if you want to stay in charge of a situation, the worst mistake you can make is not keeping people up to speed with what you're doing at every single stage of the process. Of course, that doesn't mean you need to be seeking universal agreement or approval for your actions and opinions, some people will always be critical, but at least adopting this approach will encourage an atmosphere in which everyone feels included. There are always going to be things in a company people don't like, and if you've created an atmosphere in which they're encouraged to contribute ideas freely, you have to learn to deal with complaints. Revealing that you are, for example, upset by their comments is a crucial error, you will have shown a weakness in your character that others might try to exploit, and might lead to a general lack of support for you. 我发现如果想要持续控制好一个状况,你可能会犯的最糟糕的错误就是不能使人们跟上你工作过程中的每一个单阶段。当然了,这不意味着你就需要追求全世界的人赞同和批准你的行动和想法。有一些人总是很爱挑剔,但是至少接受这种方法可以营造出一种人人都参与其中的氛围。 公司里中有一些事情是员工们不喜欢的,如果你要创造这么一种让他们自有贡献想法的氛围的话,你就必须学会处理员工的牢骚。展现出你自己,举个例子说,被他们的评论弄得不开心是一件非常严重的错误,你可能已经表现出在你性格方面的弱点那也许是别人正试图开拓的地方,可能就会导致你缺乏支持。