We've looked at various measures and we'll be making recommendations to senior management next week. We think the company should consider introducing an evening shift to maintain 70% capacity on all the machines. We're also aware of the hold-ups on the packaging line, and we'd like to bring in an additional machine and split the line in two. That'll speed things up. We did consider bonus schemes for certain categories of employee, but decided that this wouldn't have sufficient impact. When we first acquired the factory premises, the rent was well within our means. But because that area of the city has developed more quickly than others, it's now a prime site and the cost of retaining it has risen accordingly. In fact, we would make considerable savings by relocating to the industrial estate on the other side of town, which would improve product distribution, anyway. A second suggestion is to vacate the top floor of the building. We do have fewer staff now. 我们寻找不同的方法,我们也将在下周对高级管理人员提出建议。我们认为公司应该考虑推行夜班工作制来坚持所有机器70%的能力。同时我们也意识到包装生产线的直线上升趋势,所以我们会引进一台额外的机器来把生产线分成两条。这样能加快生产速度。我们也为某些级别的员工考虑奖金制度,但是这个决定对现在不会有太大的影响。 当我们第一次收购这间厂房,租金在我们的能力范围之内。但是因为这个城市的这块地发展比其他地区更快,所以现在厂房的成本也保持相应地升高。实际上,因为考虑到要节省资金,所以我们重新在城市的另一边工业区选址,但不管怎么样,也是为了改善产品的分销。建议二是将厂房的顶层空出来,因为我们现在的员工比以前减少了。