As you know, we adopted various measures three years ago with the aim of boosting sales. We managed to increase output and cut costs by introducing new machines. We also cut our profit margins still further. But even though we were able to lower prices as a result, I'm afraid we still didn't meet targets. The demand for this particular commodity just isn't there any more, so we should stop production as soon as current contracts expire. I think your analysis of the situation is correct. The product is already doing very well, but demand hasn't peaked yet, by any means. And if we want to take full advantage of a boom, we've got to step up our promotion and have mechanisms in place to increase manufacturing capacity if necessary. And that means we'll need additional funding before long. So, let's start approaching people who've expressed an interest in us in the past. Two or three years ago there were ten, or even 20, applicants for every job we advertised, but things have changed. Unemployment in general is right down and everyone's competing for workers now, especially skilled labour. If we want to get good people, and retain them, we'll have to offer a better package. I'm not suggesting we put wages up yet. I think we ought to try other things first, like one-off welcome payments, relocation allowances, and, possibly, loyalty bonuses. 就像你知道的,我们在三年前采取各种方法和目的来刺激销售。我们想方设法增加产量,并且通过引进新机器来削减成本。我们还进一步削减我们的利润率。尽管我们取得很低的价格,但是我恐怕我们仍然不能达到目标。当这个特殊产品的需求没有了,所以当合同期满我们就要立即停止生产。 我认为你对形势的分析是对的。现在的产品已经做得非常好,但通过各种手段,需求还是没有达到顶峰。如果我们能充分利用现在产品增加的有利形势,我们就要通过逐步加强推广,和建立相关机制来提高生产能力。这将意味着用不了多久,我们将需要更多的资金。所以现在,让我们开始和那些对产品印象深刻或者感兴趣的消费者搞好关系吧。 在两三年以前,我们做广告招聘,每一份工作都会有十个甚至二十个人来应征,但现在时代不同了。随着失业率下降,现在每个公司都需要工人,特别是技术型劳动力。如果我们想招到优秀的人才,并且留他们在公司长期做,我们需要提供很好的条件和待遇。我并不是建议提高薪水,我认为首先我们可以尝试其他的事情,例如一次性的欢迎付款,迁址津贴,如果可能的话,还可以提供忠诚奖金。