You certainly seem to be good at the job. To be honest, with all the new insurance products coming out it isn't easy to keep up with them all. I have to struggle to remember everything that's available. At least working with a computer comes fairly natural to me, so that saves time. I'm glad I don't have to deal with customers the way you do. I haven't got the patience. You certainly need that sometimes, when someone spends ages making up their mind, but I don't find it a problem. And I don't mind explaining complicated policies in simple language. It's quite a challenge. But there are some people I'd much rather avoid. Unfortunately in this job, you've got to make everyone feel you really enjoy their company. Quite frankly, the less I have to do with them the better. I tell you what though, in my appraisal I suggested some changes to the way I work. 你看起来很擅长工作。 老实说,跟上新的保险产品开发的脚步是很不容易的,我不得不努力记住每种产品的作用。不过用电脑工作,对我来说还是相当顺手的,这也节省了我不少时间。 庆幸的是我不用像你那样跟顾客交流,我可么有多少耐心。 你有时会用的到的,当人们花费时间去下定决心时,我觉得这已经不是问题了。而且我也不用担心用简单的语言解释复杂的政策,它确实是个挑战。但是一些人我还是尽量去避免的。这份工作不幸的是,你得让所有人觉得你很喜欢他们的公司。 坦诚的说,跟和他们做事越少越好。 我要说些我的想法,按我的评估,我建议我们工作的方法应该做些改变。