Hi, Vnsessa. It's Ralph again. Sorry, I forgot to ask earlier if you can send me details of next month's seminars. I've got two people who really need some help with spreadsheets and accounting software. I remember you said that you had some computer courses planned. Anyway, send me details on those and anything else you have coming up. Thanks. Oh. You can email it to me if that's easier. It's R for Ralph. Dot. Hensher. At Henckel. That's H-E-N-C-K-E-L dot D-E. Thanks Bye. Hello. My name is Maria Monblot. The reason I'm calling is that I have a booking for next week's business breakfast meeting. I'm afraid I won't be able to attend but I would like to come to next month's instead. I assume it is on the last Wednesday of the month as usual. Please confirm this. You've already got my number but just in case, it's 7684556. Great. See you on Monday. Bye. Bye. 你好,Vnesessa,还是我Ralph. 很抱歉,我忘记提早问你如果下个月研讨会的细节。我这里有两个人需要一些在电子制表软件和一些统计软件的帮助。我记得你说过,你请人计划了一些计算机课程。不管如何,把那些详情记忆其他你能找到的信息寄来给我。谢谢。如果发邮件比较简单的话,你可以发邮件给我。我的邮箱地址是Ralph.Hensher@Henckel.de,谢谢,再见。 你好,我叫Maria Monblot。我打这个电话的原因是我订了下星期的商务早餐会。我恐怕不能参加了,但我想改为参加下个月的商务早餐会。我认为下个商务早餐会像往常一样,是这周的最后一个星期三。请确认。你已经有我的电话号码了,不过以防万一,我的电话是7684556.