Every year, the best young English language spellers from around the world gather in Washington, D.C. for the National Spelling Bee. They spell complex words that most English speakers have never even heard of. The National Spelling Bee takes place over two intense days of competition in a large hotel meeting room. The spellers sit together in front of several judges. Each speller stands when it is his or her turn. When the judge calls out the word, spellers can ask for help. They can ask for the definition of the word or for it to be used in a sentence. They can also ask which language the word came from. This can often help them decide how it is spelled. Students who spell the word correctly remain in the competition. But if the speller makes a mistake, a bell rings and the child must leave the group 每年,全球单词拼写高手齐集在华盛顿参加全美拼字比赛。在两天多的激烈比赛中,参赛者需要拼写出一些甚至连大多数美国人都没有听说过的复杂词汇。拼字比赛的基本规则是,当评委会念出一个词,参赛者可以请求帮助,他们可以要求知道这个单词的定义或者具体使用的例句,也可以问这个单词的语源。拼写正确的参赛者可以继续参加比赛,但是只要拼错了一个词,他就会立刻被淘汰。