At Wembley Fabio Capello's England, who looked so solid during their qualifying campaign, had to come from a goal down for beating the newly crowned African Champions Egypt. Watching with the BBC's Alan Green. In the first half, England, except ironically for John Terry who played really well, were… 法比奥•卡佩罗的英格兰队在预选赛中表现的相当稳固。但在温布利大球场,他们先丢一球才逆转击败了新科非洲杯冠军埃及队。让我们和BBC的阿兰•格林一起关注这场比赛。 上半场除了约翰•特里颇具讽刺地表现得很神勇之外,整个英格兰队都显得很毛躁和迟钝,似乎对埃及队的352阵型准备不足。或许再简单点说,埃及队才更出色。…