Lindsey Vonn had a successful start to her campaign to emulate Michael Phelps with a clean sweep of the gold medals in the Alpine skiing here in Whistler. Despite her shin injury which threatened to put her out of the games a week ago, Vonn swept to a flawless victory on Franz's Run . Fellow America… 在威斯勒举行的高山滑雪比赛中,林德赛•沃恩为自己追赶菲尔普斯,实现包揽金牌的壮举开了个好头。虽然在一周前沃恩因为腿伤甚至可能无法参赛,但是现在她以完美的表现夺得了冠军。她的美国队友茱莉亚•曼库索获得了银牌,铜牌被奥地利选手伊丽莎白•格里格尔摘得。但是对于瑞典名将帕尔森来说今天的比…