And to make matters worse, the bamboo leaves are frozen solid. But the panda has devised a cunning way of breaking the ice off. It rubs the bamboo over its snout. Unlike other bears, the panda can't fatten itself up and hibernate through the winter. Bamboo is so low in energy that the panda must spend most of the day eating. Once it has exhausted one area, it must move on to the next. 更糟的是,竹叶冻住了。但是熊猫发明了一个巧妙的方法来把冰弄掉,它用鼻子把冰蹭掉。不像其他熊类,熊猫不能通过冬眠来度过冬天。竹子的能量很低,熊猫不得不把大量时间放在吃上。一旦一个地方的竹子吃完了,熊猫必须继续前进到另一个地方。