As night falls, spirits emerge from their hiding-places. The yellow weasel. Some people believe that offending this crafty predator can bring bad luck, so they turn a blind eye to the weasel's night-time marauding. Old beliefs, coupled with a rising awareness of conservation, are helping the yellow weasel survive in the middle of Beijing, despite killing the odd pigeon. 夜幕降临,藏在深处的动物开始活动了——黄鼠狼。一些人认为冒犯这些狡猾的肉食动物会带来坏运气,所以对黄鼠狼晚上的活动,人们睁一只眼闭一只眼。旧的观念连同逐渐增强的保护意识,使得黄鼠狼能在北京城生存,尽管人们还在猎杀残存的鸽子。