I know I should return them earlier, but you know as I said just now, I bought them for my son. He went on a vacation to Spain last week and just came back yesterday. So could you extend the expiration? OK, I understand. But did you buy them on sale? Sorry, I don't remember. Could I have a look at your receipt? Mmm, OK, you didn't buy them on sale. We can either change them for you or give you a refund. I just want a pair of shoes in a smaller size. No problem, madam. I really appreciate your attitude in attending to customers. It's my pleasure. Welcome to our store next time. 我知道我应该早点来换,但就像我刚刚说的那样,我是给我儿子买的。他去西班牙旅游了,昨天才回来。所以你可以延长我的保质期吗? 好的,我懂了。但是,你是在它们促销的时候买的吗? 对不起,我不记得了。 我可以看一下你的收据吗?额,好的,你不是在促销的时候买的。我们既可以给你换也可以退货给你。 我只是想要一双小一点的鞋子。 好的,女士。 我真的很佩服你为顾客考虑的心情。 这是我的荣幸。欢迎你下次在光顾我们的商场。