Is it hard to handle the job? Not really hard, but you're standing up all the time. When we're busy, people get angry and sharp. How did you learn the profession? Well, I did a two-year course at college. In the first year, we had to learn the basics. And then we had to take the exams. Was it easy to find a job? I attended five interviews. And one of them gave me my first job. So I didn't have to wait too long. And what's the secret of being good at your job? You have to pay attention to details and you have to love what you are doing. You have to show passion for it. 处理工作很难吗? 不是很难,但是你要一直站着。同时当我们很忙的时候,人们会变得很生气和尖锐。 你是怎么了解你的专业的? 嗯,我在大学的时候学过两年,在第一年的时候,我们一定要学习基础知识,然后还要考试。 找份工作容易吗? 我参加了五个面试,其中的一个给了我第一份工作,所以我不用等很长时间。 干好工作的秘诀是什么? 你要关注细节而且还要热爱你干的工作,你必须对他有激情。