What if you arrived home to find a delicious hot meal waiting for you, prepared by your very own kitchen robot? It might sound like science fiction, but professors at the University of Tokyo have taken the first steps toward making that into a reality. The team recently introduced a human-like kitchen robot that can pour tea and other drinks into cups and serve them to guests. When teatime is over, the robot can also wash the dishes and put them away. 要是一回到家就有热腾腾、美味的饭菜在等着你那该多好啊,那是你的专用最新款厨房机器人为你准备的。这听起来像是科幻小说,实际上,东京大学的教授们已经初步实现它。这个团队最近推出了一款厨房机器人,它可以为客人倒茶或饮料。茶会结束后,机器人还会收拾茶具,并把它们洗干净。