supplement 增补物,补充物,增刊,副刊,增补,补充 Doctors believe that vitamin supplements are largely unnecessary. supplementary 增补的,补充的 supplementary examination brisk 轻快的,生气勃勃的,兴隆的,繁忙活跃的,寒冷而清新的 planet 行星 suppress 压制,镇压,禁止发表,查禁,抑制感情等,忍住,阻止··的生长或发展 Hugh fought to suppress the rage in his voice. bang 巨响,枪声,猛击,猛撞,发出砰的一声,砰砰地敲或推,扔 Gilbert picked up the broom and banged on the ceiling. bandage 绷带,用绷带绑扎 The nurse eased the bandage off from the wound. supreme 最高的,最大的,极度的,最重要的 the supreme commander of the fleet. surge 感情等的洋溢,奔放,急剧上升,猛增,浪涛般汹涌奔腾,人群等蜂拥而出 The company's market share will surge above market growth. confirm 证实,肯定,确认,批准 Our results confirmed his observations. scrap 碎片,碎屑,废金属,残羹剩饭,少量,点滴 My mother fed the dog on scraps to save money. We may have to scrap our plans for this afternoon's picnic. radiant 容光焕发的,喜形于色的,光芒四射的,光辉灿烂的,辐射的 You look radiant tonight. sacred 神圣的,宗教性的,神圣不可侵犯的 exhibit 展览品,显示,陈列,展览 The famous painter's paintings have been exhibited all over the world. fort 堡垒,城堡 surgeon 外科医生 A famous brain surgeon from Boston performed the operation. inspire 鼓舞,给··以灵感 We need someone to inspire the team. fossil 化石,食古不化的人,老顽固 Several dinosaur fossils were found in desert. interim 间歇,过渡时期,暂时的,临时的 They planned to set up an interim goverment. entitle 给··权利或者资格,给书文章等题名 This book is entitled The Child's Guide. compromise 妥协,和解,折中办法,妥协,危及,放弃原则,理想等 Their conclusion was different,so they compromised. pitch 板球,足球等的球场,程度,强度,高度,高音,沥青,投掷,使猛然倒下,表达,把··置于特定程度或者标准等,定调,架设,搭帐篷,扎营,船或飞机颠簸 One by one,the kids start to pitch in ,sifting their way through the wreckage.