eclipse 日月食,地位声誉等的消失,黯然失色,遮掩,天体的光,使暗淡,使失色,使相形见绌 They observed the solar eclipses at different times of the years. The outstanding performance eclipsed the previous record. dine 宴请,进餐 They have dined together in school dinning hall. perception 感知能力,觉察力,认识,观念,看法 children's perceptions of the world identification 身份证明,鉴定,验明,认出,认同 Voters would be required to show identification every time they go to the polls. exclude 把··排除在外 Young children are excluded from the game. surgery 外科,外科手术,手术室 Neil required surgery on his right knee. monster 怪物,极其残酷的人,巨人,巨兽,巨大 的东西,巨大的,庞大的 I came to believe that if I became a monster,I wouldn't be scared anymore. deteriorate 恶化,变坏 Air quality is rapidly deteriorating in our cities. burden 重担,精神负担,加重压于,烦扰,负担,装载 I do not want to burden the bullfighter with the whole weight. fold 褶,折叠的部分,折叠,合拢 Maggie folds her arms and gloats. gauge 测量仪表,金属板的厚度,金属线的直径,标准规格,尺度,估计,判断,计量,度量 I gauge that it was not a good moment to speak to the professor. Retail sales are a gauge of cunsumer spending. outline 提纲,要点,外形,略图,概述,描··外形或者轮廓 The secretary outlined the proposals of the consumers on paper. junction 联结点,道路等的会合点,枢纽 literal 照字面的,原义的,逐字的 surpass 超过,优于 多于 超过··的界限,非··所能办到或者理解 racket 喧嚷,吵闹,敲诈,勒索,诈骗,网球等的球拍 It's impossible to work with that racket going on. the drug racket haul 拖 拉 拖运,一次获得或者偷得的数量,用力拖,拉,用车等托运,运送 identify 认出,鉴定,把··等同于 Can you identify the man who robbed you? athlete 运动员,体育家 peculiar 奇怪的,古怪的,特有的 a peculiar smell The problem of racism is not peculiar to this country. pessimistic 悲观主义的 a pessimistic view of life console 安慰,慰问,控制台,操纵台 species 种类 pandas and others endangered species author 著作家,作者 deficiency 缺乏 不足 缺点,缺陷 The deficiencies in the system soon became obvious. radioactive 放射性的,有辐射能的 I've located 500g radioactive material a mile north. surplus 过剩,剩余,盈余,过剩的,多余的 budget surplus