[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [00:00.00]A coup attempt appears to be under way in Niger. [00:03.55]Soldiers have forced their way into the presidential palace [00:06.65]and taken the head of state Mamadou Tandja [00:08.74]to a military barracks. [00:09.90]Johnny Hawk reports. [00:11.12]Latest information says President Tandja [00:14.08]has now been separated from his ministers [00:16.22]and taken to an unknown military camp. [00:18.14]French diplomats have confirmed [00:20.34]that he's indeed in the hands [00:22.12]of a mutant faction of the army [00:23.59]after soldiers stormed the presidential offices [00:26.14]where cabinet meeting was under way. [00:28.08]The heavy exchanges of fire [00:30.16]which broke out on Thursday afternoon [00:31.59]have left at least 3 people dead and 10 injured. [00:34.74]Exactly which part of the military carried out [00:36.87]the operation remains unclear. [00:38.61]Niger has been rocked by months [00:40.69]of political crisis after the president changed [00:43.34]the constitution to remain in power.