Stepping inside some of Rome's most magnificent buildings, I witness how religion, art, lust and greed vie to create the most splendid city on Earth. But the hubris of the popes almost destroys the very city they are creating. In the centuries that follow, Protestantism and nationalism threaten Rome and the papacy. In order to prosper, the Eternal City would need to adapt again and again. This is the blood-spattered, dramatic story of how Rome emerged from the turbulence of the early popes and the catastrophes of the Middle Ages into the magnificent city we see today. In 1350, Rome was a desperate backwater. The kings of France dominated Rome and forced the election of a French pope, who took up his residence not in Rome, but in Avignon. Without the Pope, Rome lost its financial and moral power. Crime thrived on its streets, dominated by two aristocratic families, the Colonnas and the Orsinis, from their fortified palaces. They ruled the territories in the city like gangster bosses, Rome's real-life versions of Shakespeare's Montagues and Capulets. 一踏进罗马的一些最宏伟的建筑,我便见证了宗教,艺术,欲望以及贪婪是怎样相互竞争,从而创造出了地球上最杰出的城市。但是教皇们的傲慢却差点让他们所创造的这座城市毁在自己手上。后来的几个世纪,新教和民族主义威胁着罗马和教皇权。为了进一步的繁荣昌盛,永恒之城需要不断地适应。这是个血光四溅的戏剧性故事,讲述了罗马是怎样从早期教皇动乱时期和中世纪的大灾难发展成如今我们看到的这个宏伟之都的。1350年,罗马城只是一滩绝望的死水。法兰西国王统治了罗马,并强制选举了一位法国教皇,这位法国教皇不住在罗马,他住在法国阿维尼翁。罗马失去了自己的教皇,便失去了财政和道德的力量。大街上犯罪横行,两大贵族家族——科勒纳斯家族和奥斯尼斯家族——住在固若金汤的宫殿里,统治着罗马城。他们就像黑帮老大那样划分地盘各自为政,这就是发生在罗马城,现实版的莎翁的“罗密欧与朱丽叶”。