Catherine believed that in order to save her precious Church, the Pope had to return. Catherine made it her life's mission to bring the Pope back to Rome. Alone against the might of the papacy and the rulers of Europe, Catherine fought to save the Church and city. She wrote letter after letter imploring the Pope to leave Avignon. Some of the earliest editions are here at the Biblioteca Casanatense. Manuscript keeper Isabella Ceccopieri has agreed to translate them for me. "Come, come, and resist no more the will of God that calls you, for you, as the vicar of Christ, should rest in your own place and fear not for anything that might happen, since God will be with you." I guess the first thing that strikes you in this is that Catherine, she's saying, "Get a move on, Pope. Get a move on, Holy Father. Get down there. This is my personal command." As if they were equals. As equals. Completely as equals. 凯瑟琳深信她那珍贵的教会要得到拯救,教皇必须回来主持大局。凯瑟琳将把教皇请入罗马作为她毕生的责任。为了拯救教会和这座城市,凯瑟琳和这些掌权者斗争,这些掌权者有的是教皇、有的是欧洲的统治者,她一个人苦苦支撑。她不停地写信给教皇,一封接一封,请教皇离开阿维尼翁来到罗马。这些书信就保存在这:卡萨纳特图书馆。手稿保管员伊莎贝拉切克皮耶里已经同意为我翻译这些手稿。 “来吧,来吧,不要违背上帝的意志,主在召唤你。而你,上帝麾下的牧师,应当安歇在你自己的地方。不要畏惧还未发生的事情。上帝将与你同在。” 我想刚才这些文字中最能打动你的是凯瑟琳、凯瑟琳的话语。“快点啊,教皇。快点啊,圣父。请到这里来。这是我个人的请求。”好像他们是平等的。 是的,完全平等。