"So, I ask unto you, our father and our shepherd, begging you on behalf of Christ to rescue these lost sheep, the human race, from the hands of the demons." And, of course, the demons are those running riot in Rome when the Pope is away. And so, this is a very powerful appeal. She believes more than anything that the Pope's rightful place is in Rome and that she wants him with all her will, backed by the Holy Spirit, to return there. Yeah. She has a strong will. She's got such a strong will. Very powerful stuff. After years of Catherine's letter-writing, the Pope showed no sign of returning. She resolved to travel to Avignon to confront the Pope directly. The fate of Rome rested on the shoulders of this lone woman. In 1377, the Pope returned in a triumphant procession to the Holy City with Catherine of Siena by his side. After 70 years of exile, the Pope was back in his rightful place. "于是,我向你发问,我们的天父和引路人,祈求你能代表基督,从魔鬼手中拯救出人类这群迷途的羔羊。" 当然,趁教皇不在位,在罗马城兴风作浪的那群人就是她所说的魔鬼。于是,这是一个非常震撼的恳求。她坚信教皇的位置应当在罗马,她以圣灵之名全心全意地呼唤教皇的归来。 是的,她的愿望非常强烈。 她有着如此强烈的愿望。这是非常强烈的愿望。 凯瑟琳写了好多年的信,但教皇还是没回罗马。她下定决心去阿维尼翁直接面对教皇。罗马城的命运便落到了这个孤身女人的肩上。1377年,教皇在锡耶纳的凯瑟琳的陪伴下荣归圣城。遭流放70年之后,教皇终于回到了他应该在的地方。