Wasn't one of the great accusations thrown at the Borgia Pope was that he had so many mistresses and so many children? Was that usual for a religious leader like the Pope at this time? Well, I suppose he wasn't the first to do it and nor was he the last, but he was just slightly more so. So, he was slightly more. He had rather more beautiful mistresses and, you know, an awfully large bevy of children. How seriously did these Renaissance popes take their Christianity? Well, I personally think they took it very seriously. I mean, just because they're extravagant, it's not that they're not religious. It's not either/or. It's a different way of doing things. For the Renaissance popes, outrageous parties and ostentatious displays of wealth were a tribute to the glory of God and Church, and a demonstration to the world of their power and sanctity. 波吉亚教皇(的诸多行径)备受诟病;其中一条便是,他有那么多情妇和那么多孩子。教皇等宗教领袖的此种做法在当时是否司空见惯? 我想呢,他既不是开先例的人,也不是最后一个这么做的,只是他的程度稍微过了点。就是说,他会稍微更……(相较之下,)他拥有更多漂亮情妇,还有一大帮多得惊人的孩子。 文艺复兴时期的教皇们在对待自己的宗教时究竟有多认真严肃? 我个人认为呢,他们是十分认真严肃来对待的。我想表达的是,不能仅仅因为教皇们有一些过分的行为,就以此来否定他们的虔诚。这个问题并不是非黑即白,而是处事方法有所不同。 对于文艺复兴时期的教皇们来说,纵情狂欢、炫耀财富是在向上帝和教会的荣耀致意……同时也是在向世人昭告他们的权利和圣洁。