This high priest saw himself as a warrior pope who would don armour to lead his troops into battle like the emperors of old. He became known as Papa Terribile, the fearsome Pope. But his most effective foot soldiers would be his army of artists. He assembled a team of the greatest artists in history to equal, and even outdo, the glory of Imperial Rome. The artist Raphael would be commissioned to decorate his living quarters, which many consider Raphael's finest work. Classical, as well as Christian, scenes dominate the Papal Apartments. The pagan God Apollo has pride of place, surrounded by the finest poets, from Homer to Dante. Not all Christians were comfortable with the pagan imagery, but this classical/Christian fusion was the true spirit of the Renaissance. Julius was channelling the greatest human achievements throughout history to promote the power of the papacy and Christian Rome. But it was Julius's partnership with one particular artist that would come to define the Renaissance more than any other. An artist so revered that even his rival, Raphael, painted him, Michelangelo. 大祭司将自己视作战神,他将自己的部队装备同旧时帝国军队一样全副武装并开赴战场。他被称作恐怖教皇或可怕教皇。然而他最有影响力的步兵可能是他麾下的艺术家。他的麾下集中了史上最伟大的一批艺术家,其规模可与曾经的罗马帝国媲美,甚至可能园源超过了他。艺术家拉斐尔应召装点他的住宅,许多人认为这是拉斐尔最杰出的作品。与古希腊罗马文化和基督教相关的故事场景点缀着教皇公寓。异教神阿波罗有着优越的地位,被最有名的诗人环绕,他们当中有荷马也有但丁。不是所有的基督徒能受得了异教徒形象,但是经典和宗教的融合是文艺复兴的真正精神。尤利乌斯二世是史上最伟大教皇取得了巨大的成果,增强了教皇的权利,推动了罗马的发展。然而正是与尤利乌斯二世有合作关系的那位特别的艺术家更有资格来定义文艺复兴。这位艺术家倍受人们推崇,乃至他的竞争对手拉斐尔都将他画入自己的作品中,他就是米开朗基罗。