The Renaissance had attracted many more pilgrims to Rome, and they brought in massive new revenues, but they were soon spent and the Church needed much, much more. And so, in the early 16th century, the popes began exploiting a uniquely papal practice to raise more money - the selling of indulgences. The practice had been around since the sixth century. It was simple. People would pay to have their sins forgiven. And it raised so much money that they had an even brighter idea. People would pay for sins they hadn't even committed yet. The papacy had turned sin into a business. This abuse, taking place in the heart of God's city, outraged many Christians. For years, the Renaissance popes had thrived through decadence and corruption. But the selling of indulgences would prove one step too far. I've come to the palace that defines the moment Renaissance Rome came tumbling down. 文艺复兴吸引了越来越多的朝圣者前往罗马,这些朝圣者们也给罗马带来了新的巨额财政收入,但是这些钱很快就被花完了,因为这些钱根本填不饱教会的肚子。于是,16世纪初,教皇们开始发掘一种特别的教皇业务来筹措更多的资金——出售宽恕。这种业务6世纪就已经有了。很简单。人们花钱以使他们的罪过得到宽恕。出售宽恕赚得是盘满钵满,他们甚至想出了一个更聪明点子。人们可以花钱去提前宽恕他们还没犯的罪过。教皇把罪过变成了一项生意。对罪过的滥用发生在上帝之城的中心,这激怒了很多基督徒。多年以来,文艺复兴时期的教皇们靠堕落和腐败兴旺发达。但是出售宽恕结果是有点太过了。我去过一个宫殿,描绘出当时文艺复兴时期罗马城摇摇欲坠的景象。