The worst perpetrator of these abominations was the Pope himself. Luther said that far from being God's representative on Earth, he was an agent of the devil. Luther returned to his home town in Germany and nailed his protest to the church door, thereby launching the movement that became known as Protestantism. He defied the Church, and his Protestantism would become the greatest challenge to papal supremacy in all its history. The papacy had little time for Luther, but it would not be long before his protests would shake the Church to its foundations and bring catastrophe to Rome. Just upstairs is a long-hidden piece of evidence of the horrific conclusion of the Renaissance. In the late 1990s, some art restorers working on this room uncovered some totally fascinating graffiti which dates back to the year 1528. Now, it's very hard to decipher this, and with apologies for my hopeless German, it says, "Was soll ich die schreiben nit lachen die Landsknechten haben den Papst laufen machen." The man who wrote this graffiti is congratulating himself and his mates. He says, "Why shouldn't I laugh? " We, the Landsknecht, have set the Pope on the run." 犯下这些令人憎恨罪行的人就是教皇本人。路德说教皇根本不是什么上帝的代言人,教皇是恶魔的代理人。路德回到他在德国的家乡,把他的义愤填膺钉在了教堂的门上,这也就拉开了所谓新教运动的帷幕。他挑战教会,他的新教对教皇权威是个历史上最大的挑战。教皇统治没留给路德多少时间,但是很快他的抗议运动就动摇了教会的根基,并且给罗马带来了灭顶之灾。楼上就藏有一份文艺复兴终结的证据。20世纪90年代末,有一些艺术品修复者在这间屋子里工作,他们发现了一些非常令人着迷的涂鸦作品,这些作品可以追溯到1528年。现在已经很难辨认了,请大家担待一下我德语比较烂,它写的是“Was soll ich die schreiben nit lachen die Landsknechten haben den Papst laufen machen.” 写这些涂鸦的人是为他自己和他的朋友庆贺。他写道,“为啥我不该笑?我们,德意志长矛兵,已经把教皇赶得屁滚尿流。”