And one previously naked woman has had her modesty restored with a rather frumpy green dress. But the Catholic Reformation attacked more than just art. It unleashed the Roman Inquisition on the Eternal City. The Inquisition was set up to enforce the doctrines of the Church and destroy any heresies or impurities. Peccadilloes that had been overlooked or indulged during the Renaissance were now brutally punished. Homosexuals were burnt alive. Jews, who'd lived peacefully in Rome for 1,700 years, were confined to a ghetto. But the biggest challenge to Roman supremacy was the new rival branch of Christianity. As Protestantism spread, the papacy resolved to fight it on every level, from the world of art to the battlefield. In 1539, the Catholic Church created a new militant wing. This is the Church of Saint Ignacio, named after Ignacio Loyola, a military man who believed that the winning of Christian souls could be conducted like a military campaign. So, he founded the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits. 原本赤裸的画中女子,也穿上了遮羞用的绿色长裙,而显得邋遢不堪。然而宗教改革对此攻击甚多甚至超出了艺术的范畴。这放纵永恒之城的宗教裁判所,它们开始滥用职权。宗教裁判所建立原是为了监督教堂执行基督教义破坏异教组织以及驱除城中的“污秽”。此时,一些微小的罪行被放大了,文艺复兴时期放荡不羁之人被粗暴地惩罚。同性恋人被活活烧死。犹太人已罗马平静地生存了1700年,此时也被裁判所的逼迫下搬入贫民区。然而对罗马至高无上权势的巨大挑战是基督教的新派别,它是反对罗马教会的。新教四处传播,教皇下定决心在各个方面对新教进行坚决打击,从艺术领域到战场。1539年,天主教会诞下了激进主义这一婴儿。这里是圣依纳爵大教堂,是以伊纳爵·罗耀拉的名字命名的。伊纳爵·罗耀拉是一个军人,他坚信取得基督教灵修的胜利得像进行军事部署那样计划周密。因此他创立了耶稣会,即基督会。