And a look at this astonishing ceiling tells you all you need to know about the passionate energy of the Jesuit mission. Saint Ignacio commands the centre, empowered by Jesus Christ himself. His heart radiates four sacred beams that propel his female missionaries to the four corners of the world to slay the pagans. Indeed, the Jesuit mission was international and universal. It was to convert everyone. It used both the sword and the prayer book. The Jesuits valued education above all else, and used their sophisticated analysis of human character to win souls, defeat enemies, and to defend and spread papal authority. By the 17th century, the reach of Rome had spread beyond its walls to the four corners of the world. The Renaissance may have passed, but a new heyday now dawned for the Holy City. Rome was the heart of a new Christendom. Not just Catholic, but Roman Catholic. 只要看一眼这令人惊讶的穹顶,你就会知道耶稣会到底是有多狂热。画中圣伊格纳西奥籍由耶稣基督赐予他的权利,掌管着中枢,他的心脏放射出4束神圣的光芒,驱使他的女传教士们去到四面八方感化异教徒们。实际上,耶稣会是国际化和全世界的。它的目的是让人皈依。它既用萝卜也用大棒。耶稣会最重视教化的作用,并且会利用对人性的老到分析以笼络人心,打击对手,捍卫和传播教皇之权威。到了17世纪,罗马的触角已经扩大到了四面八方。文艺复兴也许是过去式了,但是圣城的新全盛期降临了。罗马成为了新基督教界的心脏。不仅仅是旧天主教会的,也是新罗马天主教会的心脏。