The very ground Rome was built on was considered sacred, from its temples to its sewers. You can smell putrefaction, the sweetness of waste. But it also stinks of history. It's a secret world lost in time. This is a city I've always been drawn to. And in this series, I'm going to be discovering just how it gained its tradition of holiness. I've come with the questions of both historian and tourist, to examine the fabric of a place where power and religion go hand in hand. Rome has always been inspired and shaped by its passionate sense of sacred mission. Popes and emperors, kings and consuls have all believed they served a higher purpose, to fulfil the will of the divine. 建造罗马的这块土地,从它的神庙到下水道,都被尊为圣。 你可以闻到废弃物腐败的味道,但这也是历史的锈味。这是个失落在时间中的神秘世界。 我总是被这座城市吸引。在这个系列,我将探索它如何获得它神圣的传统。我带着历史学家和游客的疑问而来,来探究这城市的肌理构造。这里,权利与宗教紧密相连。 罗马总是被神圣使命带来的激情感所引导和塑造。教皇和帝王,国王和执政官,他们都相信他们侍奉着一个更高的意志——满足神灵的愿望。