When a general returned from a victorious war, the Senate voted him something called a Triumph, a parade through the city. He rode in his chariot, followed by his army, by wagons heaped with booty and by his shackled prisoners and he ended up right here at the Via Sacra, the Sacred Way, the most important street in the Roman forum. Imagine the excitement. The general wearing purple and gold, his face painted scarlet. He was dressed as Jupiter for a day, but in case the glory went to his head, a slave rode behind him in his chariot whispering, "Remember - you are only mortal." His procession ended, of course, at the Capitol and the Temple of Jupiter where he laid laurels at the feet of the giant statue of the god. At that moment there'd be no doubt in any Roman's mind that the gods were responsible for the city's fortunes. 当一个将军从一场胜仗中归来,参议院会投票决定他的“凯旋”,即穿越整个城市的游行。他骑着他的战车,身后跟着他的军队、载满战利品的马车、被镣铐的囚徒。他就在Sacra路停下,那是被看作“神圣之路”的罗马最重要的街道。想想那有多激动人心吧。将军穿着紫色和金色的衣服,他的脸被画成绯红色,整整一天他都扮作Jupiter神(*罗马神话中的宙斯神,译者注)。但为了不让荣耀被归到他头上去,战车里一个骑在他身后的奴隶会呢喃道:“记住-你只是一介凡人。”当然他的队伍在议会楼和Jupiter神庙前停止,他把一束月桂置于巨大的神像脚下。在那一刻,没有人会有任何疑问 — 罗马城的命运掌握在诸神手中。