Caesar was so exceptional, the Roman state was almost too small for him. Nicknamed by his own soldiers "The Balding Adulterer", he was a gambler, a risk-taker, and he was an arch manipulator of religion for his own political ends. He even claimed to be descended from the goddess Venus herself. But his success provoked the jealousy and suspicion of the other nobles with deadly consequences. This little-known square is the closest you can get to the spot where Caesar was murdered. In the first century BC, these ruins were temples. And on the Ides of March 44 BC, Caesar was passing here when he was stabbed by a group of conspirators. At first he fought back, but when he saw among the assassins was Brutus, his mistress's son whom he adored, he gave up. His murder was meant to save the Republic, but in fact it just accelerated the end of the dream. 凯撒太杰出了,以至于罗马这个国家对他来说都太小了。这个被手下戏称为“秃顶奸夫”的人,是一个赌徒,冒险家,并且他通过宗教曲线救国,实现自己的政治目的。他甚至声称自己是女神维纳斯的后裔。但是他的成功引起了其它贵族的嫉妒和猜疑,并且导致致命的后果。这个鲜为人知的广场是通向凯撒遇害地点的捷径。在公元前一世纪,这些遗址上是寺庙。在公元前44年3月15日,凯撒经过这里时,被一群阴谋者刺伤。起初他奋起反击,但是当他看见刺客中有他情妇的儿子,他非常喜欢的布鲁特时,他放弃了。刺杀凯撒是为了拯救共和国,但事实上这一事件恰恰加速了梦想的终结。