The graffiti dates from between the first and third centuries AD and, at that time, the symbol of the cross wasn't something the Christians were proud of. Crucifixion was a shameful death - the method of execution for the lowest criminals, like showing someone today with a noose round their neck, and, in the earliest Christian art, the cross doesn't appear at all, so this pagan graffiti artist is deliberately mocking and insulting Christian worshippers. To show Jesus with a donkey's head is the cruellest cut of all. And donkey worship wasn't the only tittle-tattle circulating about the Christians. They were also rumoured to practise magic, indulge in ritual cannibalism and even incest. It was all good gossip for the Roman on the street, but within 200 years, rumour had turned to concern. As Rome's elite realised, this new sect was persistent and potentially dangerous.