Rome. Holy city. Blessed by pagan gods. Earthly capital of a glorious empire with a divine mission to conquer and rule. But Rome was to cast aside its pantheon of idols to embrace a revolutionary new faith from the East that would change its classical skyline forever. Personal salvation and the worship of one God eclipsed the gods of old. Soon after the Crucifixion of Jesus his message started to spread, but there was nothing inevitable about its ultimate triumph. The followers of Christ were viciously persecuted. But the martyrdom of St Peter gave Rome a new founding story and a divine mission for his successors, the Popes. Rome became a vibrant centre of Christian devotion. But it was the necessities of power that really decided its sacred destiny. 罗马,一座神圣的城市。一个一直被非基督教徒的神灵们所祈福, 一个以征服和统治为己任的伟大帝国的首都。但是罗马却抛弃了对众神殿中神灵的崇拜,而拥抱了来自东方的足以永远改变罗马传统天空的革命性的信仰:自我救赎和对一个足以让旧神黯然失色的(新)神灵的崇拜。耶稣在被钉十字架后没多久,他的理念开始四处传播,但是他的最终胜利并非必然的。圣彼特殉难后,他遗留给罗马一个全新的故事以及给他的接班人教皇一个神圣的任务。罗马变成了基督教徒奉献忠诚的中心,而它也成为决定它神圣命运的权利的必须。