It's not often, in our secular age, that you see a place of such intense, passionate devotion, but this tells you something about Rome as a holy city. A holy city is a place where God meets man. And that is exactly what these pilgrims are doing. While Helena was importing holiness from Jerusalem, Constantine was keen to promote the city's home-grown Christian sites. But he had to be careful. Rome was still overwhelmingly pagan, and that's why he built his first churches away from the centre. Constantine built seven churches in Rome. But one took on supreme importance. Nero's Circus had become a holy place for Rome's Christians, as the location of Peter's crucifixion and burial. A simple shrine had been erected over his grave. Constantine recognised the importance of the site. A direct link between Rome and Jesus Christ himself, through his right-hand man, Peter. So Constantine decided to build his biggest basilica over Peter's tomb. 如今我们这个时代早已不为宗教所左右,我们很难常常看到这样充斥着激情的地方。这讲述了罗马圣城的点滴。圣城指的是凡人觐见上帝的地方。这正是朝圣者的目标所在。当海伦娜王太后从耶路撒冷汲取神圣气息时康斯坦丁大帝则积极着手建设这座城市本土的基督教朝圣地(场所)。但是他得小心谨慎,那时候罗马仍被异教徒统治。这就是为什么他所修建的第一批教堂远离罗马的中心。康斯坦丁在罗马修建过七间教堂,其中某间地位超然。尼罗广场是罗马基督徒的圣地,其地位如同圣彼得受难地和埋尸地一样超然。如今在圣彼得的坟墓上只立有一张简单的神龛。彼得是康斯坦丁的得力助手,就是他在罗马和耶稣基督本人之间建立了直接联系。于是康斯坦丁决定在他的坟上修建一座长方形教堂,这是他所建教堂中最大的。