In 846, Arab forces attacked the city. For the first time, St Peter's Basilica, the essence of Rome's sanctity, was wrecked and looted. When the raiders had gone, Pope Leo IV put his faith in something more solid. It's easy to forget that St Peter's was still outside the city walls, and therefore vulnerable to attack. Now Pope Leo embarked on building these massive fortifications. The Leonine Walls were 40 feet high and 12 feet deep, and they forever changed the shape of Rome. The source of Rome's divine power was now not just sanctified, but fortified. Rome's holiness was protected. Only for it to be poisoned from the inside. As the political power of the popes had grown, their position became highly sought-after. The papacy became the prize and plaything in the blood-splattered power struggle between competing Italian families. Several popes were murdered here at the Castel Sant'Angelo. 846年,阿拉伯军队袭击了罗马城。首先是圣彼得教堂的巴西利卡,罗马城的神圣精华,遭受了践踏和掠夺。这些掠夺者离开以后,教皇里奥三世把他的信仰寄托到更加坚固的东西上。人们容易忘记圣彼得教堂还在城墙之外,容易受到攻击。现在教皇里奥开始着手修建这些大型防御工事。里奥墙高40英尺深12英尺,并且他们永久改变了罗马城的形状。罗马城神圣力量之源不仅受到膜拜,还受到了加固。罗马城的圣洁受到了保护。除非是受到了内鬼的破坏。随着教皇政治权利的攀升,教皇的职位也不断有人追逐。教皇之职变成了意大利家族之间鲜血四溅争斗的奖品和玩物。好几任教皇都在圣天使堡这里遭到了谋杀。