hazardous adj.有危险的;冒险的;碰运气的 The journey to the palace was hazardous. 去往宫殿的旅程是危险的。 heighten v.提高;加强;升高;变强 If you want to succeed, you must heighten your confidence. 如果你想成功,你必须更加自信。 hoist v.升起;吊起 n.起重机,升起,吊起 Do you believe that an adult elephant can hoist the weight of a ton? 你相信一头成年象能提起一吨的重量吗? hospitality n.好客;殷勤 People tend to refer to hospitality industry as "window" industry just as they call tourism "smokeless" industry. 人们倾向于把服务业比作“窗口”产业,就像他们称旅游业为“无烟”行业一样。 humane adj.仁慈的,人道的,高尚的 She works for humane treatment of prisoners. 她工作于人道对待囚犯的团体。 hurl v.猛投;猛掷,愤慨的说出 n.用力的投掷 He hurled curses at the man who had hurled a stone at his window. 他对向他的窗户扔石头的男人抛出狠话。 hypothesis n.假设 The researcher made three hypotheses before his experiment, but only proved one. 研究者在实验之前做了三个假设,但只证实了一个。 ignite v.点火;燃烧 He approached the explosive to ignite it. 他走近炸药点燃它。 illiterate adj.文盲的 n.文盲 About half the population in the country is still illiterate. 这个国家超过一半的人口还是文盲。