[00:01.810]installment [00:03.117]They were paying for their house in installments of $2,000 a month for three years. [00:10.777]institutional [00:13.093]The old man is in need of institutional care. [00:18.727]intent [00:20.307]The court has to decide if heļ¼Œentered the building with intent to steal. [00:27.586]intervene [00:30.246]The government had to intervene in the strike. [00:34.051]intricate [00:36.127]The whole case is very intricate. The lawyers have to handle it very carefully. [00:43.014]invalid [00:45.540]Your ticket has passed its expiry date, so it is now invalid. [00:50.991]invariably [00:52.777]The security guards are invariably ex-service men. [00:57.277]investigator [00:59.406]The investigators recessed for lunch. [01:04.126]investor [01:05.866]Some investors will take losses, some organizations will fail [01:11.164]but the overall economy and the market are healthy enough to absorb all this negative effects.