Hong Kong Disney Land opened on Monday with a total of 15,000 visitors. Visitors from the mainland accounted for 1/3 of the total. Most were from Guangdong. According to a survey, more than 55% of Guangzhou residents showed interest in visiting the theme park. Some 22% of Shanghai residents and 20% of Beijingners also said they've planned to visit it. Disney Land is expected to receive at least 1.5 million visitors between September and December. 香港迪斯尼乐园周一开业就迎来了一万五千游客.其中来自大陆的游客占总数的三分之一,他们中的大多数来自广东.根据一项调查,有55%以上的广东居民表示有兴趣参观这个主题公园.大概22%的上海市民以及20%的北京市民也说他们打算去参观迪斯尼乐园.迪斯尼乐园预计在九月至十二月间会迎来至少150万游客.