Children in China are more likely to be exposed to inappropriate online materials than their foreign peers. China Daily reports that the US software maker Symantec Corp has recently conducted a survey. According to the survey results, about half of the children between the ages of eight and 17 in China have received improper content via the Internet, a higher rate than in other countries. Liu Bin, the Internet research director of the China Internet Network Information Center, attributes the findings in part to the disproportionately large number of users who go online primarily at Internet cafes, rather than at home. He says the lack of proper protection systems, particularly in Internet cafes in rural areas, increase the chances of children being exposed to questionable Internet content. China Daily sites suggestions that parental control software, which is currently gaining popularity, is conducive to eliminating the threat. 中国的孩子比起国外的同龄人来说,更有可能接触到网上的不良内容。据中国日报报道,美国的软件制造商赛门铁克公司最近开展了一个调查。根据调查结果,在中国,年龄在八岁到十七岁之间大约有一半孩子在网上接触到不宜的内容,这比在其他国家多出很多。中国互联网络中心的互联网研究所主任刘斌(音译)把这个调查结果部分归因于众多不成比例的使用者,他们主要选择在网吧上网而不是在家。他指出,适当的保护系统的缺失,尤其是在乡村地区的网吧中,这种缺失增加了孩子们接触不真实网络内容的机会。中国日报网站上建议,正在流行起来的亲代控制软件有助于消除这种威胁。