The Israeli Peace Camp has launched the biggest protesting in years with more than 100,000 people protesting on Saturday and demanding the country leave Gaza after Palestinian militants dealt Israeli's army as deadly as blows since 2002. Crowds at Telaviv's main square added to the growing call for withdrawal from the war-torn territory. The killing of 13 soldiers by militants in the Gaza Strip last week has deepened the already strong support in Israel for Prime Minister Sharon's Gaza pullout plan which is being delayed by hardliners in his right-wing Likud party. 在巴勒斯坦激进组织攻击以色列军队之后,如同2002年致命性轰炸一样,在周六,以色列和平阵营中超过十万人发起了近年来最大的抗议。上周,特拉维夫主广场的人群不断打电话要求13名军人撤退,这些加沙地带的激进分子使得总理夏隆的加沙撤退计划在以色列已有的支持进一步加深,这个计划正被他右翼的利库德集团中的强硬派耽搁着。