The New Year celebration in Thailand was shattered by violence, when nine bombs exploded across Bangkok around midnight. Three Thai citizens were killed and more than 30 injured. No terrorist group claimed responsibility for the bombings by Tuesday. Some believe the explosions were the work of Muslim separatists. Bombings and shootings occur almost daily in Thailand's three southernmost provinces. Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani have a dominant Muslim population and have long complained of neglect and discrimination in the largely Buddhist nation. They have asked for independence and a separate Islamic state. Since 2004, the insurgents have carried out numerous attacks in the south and more than 1,900 people have been killed. The Thai government has been unable to curb the violence, though thousands of troops have been sent to the South. 在泰国的新年庆祝活动是粉碎了暴力,当九个炸弹在曼谷午夜爆炸。三个泰国公民丧生,超过30人受伤。 没有恐怖组织声称对这起在星期二爆炸事件负责。一些人认为,爆炸是穆斯林分裂分子的作为。爆炸和枪击事件几乎每天都在泰国的三个最南部的省份发生。也拉、那拉提瓦和北大年有一个占主导地位的穆斯林人口,一直抱怨的忽视和歧视他们的在很大程度上是佛教国家。他们要求独立和成为一个独立的伊斯兰国家。自2004年以来,叛乱分子实施了多次袭击南部和超过1900人丧生。泰国政府一直未能遏制暴力,虽然成千上万的部队被派往南。