A Russian cargo ship with about 30 crew members aboard was in danger of sinking off Russia's eastern coast while stormy weather interfered with rescue efforts, state-run Itar-Tass news agency said on Friday. Ice had formed on the outside of the ship, and the crew was chipping it off. The crew sent out a distress signal, but there was no explanation of the problem. 一艘载着大约30名船员的俄罗斯货船于俄罗斯东海岸,正面临着沉没的危险。而与此同时,暴风雨天气却阻挠了救援活动的开展。国营Itar-Tass报社周五如是报道。船的外围已经结冰了,船员们正在奋力凿下冰块。船员们发出了危险信号,但是目前还没有关于这个问题的解释。