Dead chickens on a farm in eastern England have tested positive for bird flu, the British government said on Wednesday. First tests suggested they had the H7 strain of the disease, and not the H5N1 strain which has killed more than 100 people since late 2003, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said in a statement. "Further tests are being carried out to determine the strain of the virus and more will be known tomorrow, Thursday", it said. 英国政府周三表示,来自英格兰东部一个农场的死鸡检出禽流感病毒阳性。首次检验结果显示,环境部,食品及城市事务部在一个报告中称,这些死鸡含有H7系的病毒·,而不是自2003年以来致超过100人死亡的H5N1系。“为确定病毒的种类,进一步的检验还在进行,更多的结果会在明天周四揭晓。”