Searchers from Brazil, France, the United States and other countries are methodically scanning the surface and depths of the Atlantic for signs of crashed Airbus A330. The plane's flight data and voice recorders are still missing. The Air France flight went missing after running into thunderstorm on route from Rio de Janeiro to Paris in May. All 228 people on board were killed. 来自巴西,法国和美国以及其他国家的调查人员为了搜寻坠毁的空客A330的迹象,正在系统地巡视大西洋的海面和水下。这架飞机的飞行数据和声音依然没有找到。这家法国航空公司的飞机于五月在从里约热内卢飞往巴黎的途中遇到雷雨后失踪。机上228人全部遇难。