One month ago, April 16th, a gunman killed 32 students and faculty members at Virginia Tech University before taking his own life. A group of educators told lawmakers at the U.S. House of Representatives that schools need to have better programs to prevent such tragic events from occurring. The Virginia Tech massacre is the worst shooting incident in U.S. history. A student at the school with a history of mental illness opened fire in a dormitory and classroom building on the campus of 25,000 students. A group of educators told a congressional panel that to prevent violence like the attack at Virginia Tech, colleges need to have better mental health counseling, communication and emergency systems. 一个月前,4月16日,一名枪手在维吉尼亚理工大学打死了32名学生和教员以结束自己的生命。一群教育家告诉在美国众议院的国会议员:学校需要更好的方案以防止这样的悲剧事件的发生。在维吉尼亚理工大学发生的惨案是美国历史上最严重的枪击事件。一个有精神病的学生向宿舍和教学楼里25000名学生开火,一群教育者组织一个专门小组,以防止这样的暴力。大学需要有更好的心理健康咨询、沟通和应急系统