American Coast Guard officials in Florida say they took back to Cuba a group of would-be migrants who tried to make their way to the United States in an unusual vessel -- a floating truck. One of their planes spotted the Cubans more than half way through their journey and the coast guards could not believe their eyes when they saw the vessel. The Cubans had attached floats and a propeller to a 1951 Chevy truck. 美国弗罗里达州海上警备队的官员称,他们已经将一群试图通过非常规船只--一辆漂浮的卡车进入美国境内的偷渡者遣返回古巴.警备队的一架飞机早在他们的旅途进行到一大半时就锁定了那些古巴人.而让警备队难以置信的是,这些古巴人已经为一辆1951年产的Chevy 卡车安上了气垫板和螺旋桨.