No one knows. It could be that there aren't enough people selling tickets this afternoon. Or maybe their computer's down. I'm sure the concert hasn't been canceled. I just hope they don't run out of tickets before I get up there. That really would be annoying, wouldn't it? I guess I should have come before lunch. Or has it been like this all day? Apparently it has. In fact, before I came, I tried calling to charge my tickets over the phone, just to avoid this long wait, but they're not taking phone orders, or checks, or credit cards. It's cash or nothing. And you have to come in person. Well, there are two more hours before the ticket office closes. Tickets to a good concert are worth waiting for. And this is really a good concert. 没有人知道。今天下午可能没有充足的人手售票又或者电脑系统可能已经崩溃。我不确定这场音乐会是否已取消。 我只是希望在我赶到那儿之前他们没有将票售空。 那真的是很烦人,是吧? 我猜我应该吃午饭前来。不过会不会一整天都这样? 很明显是这样。事实上,在我来之前,我试图通过电话购票去避免漫长的等待。但是他们不接受电话订单,抑或支票,抑或信用卡。除了现金什么都不行。你必须亲自去。 嗯,现在离售票处停止营业还有两个多小时。一场不错的音乐会门票是值得等待的。而且这的确是一场不错的音乐会。