The New Year always brings with it a cultural tradition of new possibilities. We see it as a chance for renewal. We begin to dream of new possible selves. We design our ideal self or an image that is quite different from what we are now. For some of us, we roll that dreamy film in our heads just because it's the beginning of a New Year, but we are serious about making changes. We just make some half hard resolution and it evaporates after a week or two. The experience makes us feel less successful and leads us to discount our ability to change in the future. It's not the changes impossible, but that it won't last unless our resolutions are supported with plans for implementation. We have to make our intentions manageable by detailing the specific steps that will carry us to our goal. 新年总是伴随的新的可能性一同到来,我们都把新年看做是一个洗心革面的机会。我们开始想象自己新的可能性,我们设想出了一个完美的自己或者和现在完全不同的自己。对我们中的一些人来说,我们会在头脑中放映这种“梦想剧场”只是因为这是一年的开始,但是我们对待改变的态度是很慎重的。我们只是下定一些难不难的决心,一两周之后这个决心就人间蒸发了。这种经历让我们变得没有那么成功,未来的可能性也打了折扣。不是说改变不可能,而是说没有可行性的计划支撑,决心是不会持久的。我们需要把决心具体成明确的步骤,才能让我们朝着目标的方向前进。