"From a safety standpoint, a lot of the older planes were built tougher and with proper maintenance, there's no reason why a plane can't stay safe for 25 to 30 years." It's also important to remember that a plane maybe 20 years old, but its engines and other major systems could have been recently manufactured or upgraded, said Aboulafia. There is less pressure on the airlines to upgrade the interior, unless it's a safety issue or a redesign that will save money. “从安全角度来说,很多老旧的飞机都进行了加固和适当的保养,因此一架飞机没有理由不能保持安全飞行25到30年。”同时,记住一架飞机可能使用了20年,但它的引擎和其它主要部件可能最近缓过或升级过,这也很重要,Aboulafia如是说。航空公司没有多大的压力去更新部件,除非是有安全事件或是能省钱的新设计。