Babe, you haven't to rocked in ages. What is wrong? Him, he's what's wrong. What did I do? You took my advice. Now everybody is talking about you. Jimmy, the guy who draws things on other things. You're making something of yourself and I never did. But dad, you did. You're a husband, a father, a grandfather. You-you built a business. Blah blah blah, blabbetty blabbetty blabbetty. I could have been sombody, too. What are you talking about? Blabbetty blabbetty means "I don't care what you are saying". No, I mean about you being somebody. I didn't want to just play guitar in front of my mirror. I wanted to be in a rock band. And I could have too. 宝贝,你好多年不这样摇滚了,你怎么了? 他,都赖他。 我怎么了? 是我给你的建议,结果现在所有人都关注你。Jimmy,绘画高手,到处留画。你现在厉害了。可我什么都不是。 但是老爸,你也很棒啊,你是好老公,好爸爸,好爷爷。你……你还白手起家创出一番事业呢。 别废话了。本来我也可以很成功的。 你说什么呢? 意思就“是我才不在乎你说什么”。 不,我是问你本来能成为大人物的事。 我才不想一辈子对着镜子弹吉他呢。我想进一支摇滚乐队,我本来也是能进的。